Summer Employment

Offer letter Well, my job search is over. As of today, I've accepted an offer from Google for a summer internship. I'll be in New York City from June 1st through August 21th, working at Google's 9th Avenue office. I'm not sure where exactly I'll be living (I'm looking to apartments, student housing, etc., but haven't settled on anything yet), but I'll try to keep you, my loyal readers, up to date.

It was a hard decision (I had a few offers, including DreamHost and DirecTV, plus more interviewers interested), but, I mean, it's sort of hard to say no to working for Google. It also didn't hurt that they offered me the most money. :-)

Anyhow, whee! Now I can go back to worrying about work now, instead of three months from now. For the time being, though, it's back to spring break with me.

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