New Site, Again

Hello dear readers. If you can see this, then it means the new, redesigned <> is up and running. I got tired of dealing with WordPress vulnerabilities regularly, and was somewhat embarassed to have a site running on PHP. After all, there isn't actually any dynamic content here, so why bother?

The site is now a bunch of Markdown files compiled into HTML using the Pelican framework.

Major wins:

  • Much faster, since it's just static HTML
  • Back to being standards-compliant HTML5
  • Behaves sanely on mobile, for the first time ever (thanks Bootstrap!).
  • Better Atom and RSS feeds (although they're at a new url...)

A few things that didn't make the transition:

  • Comments: I'm moving to Disqus, and couldn't get comment importing from wordpress working
  • Some URLs: I took this opportunity to clean up how I generate post URLs, so some of the old permalinks are no longer perma... I made a .htaccess file which may successfully rewrite them.
  • Detailed Code Pages: I used to have pages with info and screenshots on some of the software I'd written in college. It's been long enough that I took those down. If you really want to know more about the East Dorm Treasury or SimServer, you'll just have to contact me out-of-band.

This work is brought to you by the fact that I've been home sick and barely-functional for the last week. But I'll save the details on that for a future post.

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